The name of the Turkish ship / トルコ艦の名前は
was “the Ertugrul.” / 「エルトゥールル号」といいました
It was an old-fashioned wooden warship / それは旧式の木造軍艦でした
with 650 crew members. / 乗組員650名を乗せた
The accident happened / 事故は起きました
on the way from Yokohama to Kobe. / 横浜から神戸へ向かう途中で
There were only 69 survivors. / 生存者はわずか69名でした
If the villagers had not helped them, / もし村人たちが彼らを助けていなかったなら
all the crew would have lost their lives. / 乗組員全員が命を失っていたことでしょう

Although the poor villagers / 貧しい村人たちは
did not have enough food / 食料もなかったのですが
for themselves, / 自分たちに必要なだけの
they offered precious rice and sweet potatoes / 貴重な米やサツマイモを差し出しました
to the survivors. / 生存者に
Even the women and children / 女性や子どもでさえも
gave their own clothes / 自らの服を与えました
to the naked crew members. / 裸の乗組員に
When they ran out of food, / 食料を使い果たすと
the villagers even gave them the chickens / 村人たちはニワトリさえも彼らに与えました
which were kept / 飼われていた
to tell time. / 時間を知るために

Although the villagers did not know / 村人たちは知りませんでしたが
any Turkish at all, / トルコ語をまったく
they encouraged the injured survivors / 傷ついた生存者を勇気づけ
in Japanese / 日本語で
and took care of them / 世話をしました
for three days. / 3日間
The Turkish people thanked the villagers / トルコ人は村人たちに感謝し
with all their hearts / 心から
and kept the kindness of the villagers / 村人たちの親切を留めておきました
in their minds. / 心に
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