My name is Lemuel /
—Lemuel Gulliver. //
I once was a doctor. //
I had always wanted to travel, /
so I made several voyages from my country, /
England, /
to faraway nations of the world. //
I began my first voyage with some sailors /
on May 4, /
1699. //
On our way to the East Indies, /
a big storm hit us. //
The wind shook our ship /
as if the ship were a leaf in the wind. //
It drove our ship on to a rock, /
which broke the ship in half. //
I fell into the water. //
When I woke up /
and tried to get up, /
I couldn’t move. //
My arms, /
legs, /
and even my long hair /
were fastened to the ground. //
Suddenly, /
I heard noises around me, /
and I couldn’t believe my eyes! //
There were very, /
very small human beings, /
only fifteen centimeters tall! //
This was a country /
called Lilliput. //
After I promised to behave well, /
people began to like me /
and called me “Man-Mountain.” //
One day /
the King requested /
that I join a war against an enemy country. //
I helped them /
by stealing many enemy ships. //
The King then ordered me /
to help make the enemy country part of Lilliput. //
I thought that was going too far /
and said no. //
The King got angry /
and tried to blind me. //
I was very surprised, /
and I decided to leave the country secretly /
on a boat. //