At last, /
I was on top of my finished tower. //
More and more people were coming /
to look at the windmill. //
They were standing around the tower /
and looking up. //
From the top, /
I could see the faces of my friends /
and the people I knew. //
There was little wind at first /
and the windmill did not turn. //
Then, /
the wind became stronger, /
and the fan began to turn. //
It turned slowly at first, /
then faster and faster, /
until the force of its motion rocked the tower. //
Finally, /
a small light came on, /
and then it became stronger. //
“It’s true!” /
someone said. //
“The boy has done it!” //
Although this was only a little step /
toward my goal, /
it definitely brightened our future. //