I began to study on my own /
in the library /
to do something about our problems. //
My best friend Gilbert /
would come help me after school. //
One day, /
I came across a book /
titled Using Energy. //
If I hadn’t read that book then, /
my life would have stayed the same. //
It showed /
how to convert natural energy to another form /
such as electricity. //
Suddenly, /
an idea came to me. //
My idea was /
to build a kind of windmill /
by myself. //
I kept thinking, /
“If I had a windmill, /
I could stay up and read at night.” //
A windmill could also run a pump /
for water. //
My family could grow different vegetables, /
both to eat and to sell /
in the market. //
No more dark house /
or hungry days! //
According to the book, /
I needed blades, /
a dynamo, /
and many other things. //
For the blades, /
I used old pipes /
taken from a bathhouse /
behind my aunt’s house. //
For the rest of the parts /
I went to search a junkyard /
every day in the early morning. //
There, /
I was able to find a fan /
in an old car. //
I also picked up such things /
as old water pumps and springs /
for other parts. //
As I walked around in the junkyard, /
the students across the street /
in the school ground /
saw me and would call out, /
“Look, /
it’s William. /
He’s playing in the junkyard /
again!” //