About Tucana
- alphabetTucana
- Katakana, OnyomiTucana
Tucana is one of the new southern constellation created during the Age of Discovery. Its area is 295 square degrees, and it has 43 stars visible to the naked eye.
Based on observations in the Southern Hemisphere by Dutchmen Peter Keyser and Frederick Houtman, Petrus Plancius published celestial sphere in 1598.
It is said that it then became widespread when the German Johann Bayer recorded it on Star chart Uranometria in 1603.
Tucana means "Big-beaked Bird" and refers to a South American bird with a large beak.
[Source of the story]
Encyclopedia of constellation (New Edition) Kawade Shobo Shinsha (February 2011)
Cultural History of Stars Encyclopedia (Hakusuisha Publishing Co., Ltd.) (December 2019)
The Story of Tucana
Even the same constellation is viewed and has different anecdotes depending on the era.
We will introduce stories about Tucana in each era and region.