About Andromeda
- alphabetAndromeda
- Katakana, OnyomiAndromeda
Andromeda is constellation created by Claudius Ptolemy. It is widely known as constellation that represents the image of the ancient Ethiopian princess Andromeda in chains.
When the Ethiopian royal family was ruled by King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia, Cassiopeia, who was very beautiful and had a strong sense of pride, said, "Even the daughters of the sea god cannot compare to my beauty." Hearing this, the sea god Poseidon became furious and sent a giant whale living in the sea to Ethiopia, causing a tsunami.
To put an end to this disaster, Cassiopeia and Cepheus sacrificed their daughter Andromeda as a sacrifice, and Perseus came to Andromeda 's rescue, and Andromeda was married to him.
[Source of the story]
New Edition of the Encyclopedia constellation, February 2011)
Cultural History of Stars Encyclopedia (Hakusuisha Publishing Co., Ltd.) (December 2019)
The story of Andromeda
Even the same constellation is viewed and has different anecdotes depending on the era.
We will introduce stories about Andromeda in different eras and regions.