The Diverse Universe website now supports multilingual display!

December 7, 2023

The Diverse Universe special website now supports multilingual display.

Currently, it is available in three languages: Japanese, English, and Chinese (simplified), but we are preparing to support multiple languages in the future.

You can switch languages with one click from the dropdown in the red frame at the bottom right of the site.

We will continue to enhance the content of our website, so please look forward to it.


"Shinko Shuppansha KEIRINKAN", provides educational materials to create children's future under three brand names: "KEIRINKAN" , "Shinko Shuppansha KEIRINKAN," and "Bunken Shuppan".
"KEIRINKAN" is a brand of textbooks for elementary, junior high, and senior high schools.
"Shinko Shuppansha" is a brand of study books for home study. "Bunken Shuppan" is a brand of picture books and children's books.

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