Stroll under the starry sky with “smart glasses”|Exhibited at the Nara Youth Science Festival!

December 4, 2023

In the run-up to the Expo, product trial events are being held all over the country.

This is a report on the "Science Festival for Youth 2023" Nara convention held on Sunday, November 12th.

``Science Festival for Youth 2023'' was held with the goal of letting young people learn about the fun of science, the fun of pursuing it with passion, and the sense of fulfillment of devoting yourself to manufacturing.

In addition to national conventions, the ``Science Festival for Youth'' has been held in various regions with great success, and this year's Nara Convention will be the 24th.

Our Divers Universe team also exhibited at this Nara convention.

The total number of visitors was 450, which was very exciting, and the Diverse Universe booth also had 50 visitors, which was at capacity.

Visitors, mainly elementary school students who love stars and space, were able to experience a "starry sky stroll" using smart glasses.

It seems that 68% of the visitors were experiencing smart glasses for the first time, and all of our staff members were very happy to see that they were able to freely move their bodies and enjoy the AR space experience while cheering.

I would like to share some of the answers you gave to the survey after the experience.


-I became more interested in space. it was fun. I was very happy to have had such a valuable experience.

・It was mysterious.

・I was able to enjoy the experience so much that it seemed like the experience time was short. The beauty of outer space was wonderful, but the technology was amazing.

・It was very real. it was fun. It was a strange experience.

・I liked the "constellation seen from space" because it was a different kind of fantasy from what we see on Earth.


Here is the details of the trial session ↓

We will continue to carry out various activities in order to deliver Diverse Universe's message, ``Unify the starry skies of all ages, east and west!'' to as many people as possible.



"Shinko Shuppansha KEIRINKAN", provides educational materials to create children's future under three brand names: "KEIRINKAN" , "Shinko Shuppansha KEIRINKAN," and "Bunken Shuppan".
"KEIRINKAN" is a brand of textbooks for elementary, junior high, and senior high schools.
"Shinko Shuppansha" is a brand of study books for home study. "Bunken Shuppan" is a brand of picture books and children's books.

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