We have unveiled the prototype version of constellation chart!

November 28, 2023

At our Tokyo head office, we held a party to unveil the prototype version of the "Quick Star Chart" that represents the constellation Universe, a product currently under development.

We invited Mr. Hajime Yano of JAXA, who is the general supervisor of Diverse Universe, and Ms. Memiyako Yamauchi, representative of Astro Ninja Projects, to give us their frank opinions on the Diverse Universe `` constellation Chart'' which is still in the development stage.

This Diverse Universe "constellation Quick Reference Chart" was created with the concept of comparing constellation from all over the world, East and West, in one quick reference chart, but at this unveiling event, experts will share their unique perspectives on improvements to the prototype version. I received many ideas.

Opinions were endlessly exchanged about detailed points such as the transparency of the material, the differences between constellation, and the enhancement of comparison elements.

In addition, Mr. Yamauchi gave us a report on his overseas activities and a rare constellation chart from each country as a souvenir, making the unveiling a coveted event for constellation enthusiasts.


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