“constellation Card Mission” was a great success with over 200 people!

October 20, 2023

At the company-wide plan presentation social gathering on October 11th, we reported on the activities of the SKB Expo Project, played the card game "constellation Card Mission," and held a VR experience session.

Since this was the first time we had tried playing a card game with over 200 people, we were worried about adjusting the difficulty level and how the participants would react, but the game turned out to be more exciting than we expected, and many of our staff members regained their sense of childhood and enjoyed the game.

At the VR trial session, the beautiful 360-degree images echoed with surprised and moved voices such as "Wow!" and "Beautiful!" throughout the venue. I think that while enjoying card games and VR, many staff members realized that the way stars are viewed and compared differs depending on the era and culture.

I would like to take advantage of the good points and points I learned from this activity in future events. We look forward to your continued cooperation and support.



"Shinko Shuppansha KEIRINKAN", provides educational materials to create children's future under three brand names: "KEIRINKAN" , "Shinko Shuppansha KEIRINKAN," and "Bunken Shuppan".
"KEIRINKAN" is a brand of textbooks for elementary, junior high, and senior high schools.
"Shinko Shuppansha" is a brand of study books for home study. "Bunken Shuppan" is a brand of picture books and children's books.

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