Introducing Diverse Universe using “Famipuri” at Nico☆Fest 2023!

September 3, 2023

On August 27, 2023, the fashion event “Nico☆Fest 2023” for elementary and junior high school students was held at Tokyo TFT Hall! "Diverse Universe" is holding an event to create Diverse Universe image stickers using the sticker printing machine "Famipuri". We had many elementary and junior high school students create stickers along with stickers for Shinko Shuppansha KEIRINKAN 's learning reference book ``Custom Eye Study.''

"Nico☆Fes 2023" is a big event jointly held by Shinchosha's fashion magazines "Nico Petit" and "Nicola" for the first time. Many elementary and junior high school students visited.

This time, we used Tatsumi Electronics' "Famipuri" to print the stickers. More than 100 elementary and junior high school students enjoyed the simple operation method.


"Shinko Shuppansha KEIRINKAN", provides educational materials to create children's future under three brand names: "KEIRINKAN" , "Shinko Shuppansha KEIRINKAN," and "Bunken Shuppan".
"KEIRINKAN" is a brand of textbooks for elementary, junior high, and senior high schools.
"Shinko Shuppansha" is a brand of study books for home study. "Bunken Shuppan" is a brand of picture books and children's books.

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